Friday, August 1, 2008

Look who decided to post again?

I have been really bad about updating this blog.  I'm going to try to be better.  In the meantime, the last few weeks have been really fun.  The show has been going great, and I finally got to try the Blue Ribbon Burger (Boca, of course) at Red Robin.  That's because George was in town and we went there.  It was great having him here for a couple of days, he got to see my new suburban lifestyle and my ability to navigate the mean streets of Novi.  Usually he has to drive me around in Chicago, but I think he found it refreshing and maybe a little scary to have me drive him around.  

I also joined the JCC (Jewish Community Center) in the area, and have been taking aerobics and yoga classes there.  I figured out that the classes for people my age are held early in the morning, and that if you go to the classes that start later in the day, you will generally be with much (much) older ladies.  So now I am trying to wake up earlier, although I have no regrets about getting to see women in their mid-to-late seventies doing latin dance moves while complaining that they can't hear anything the instructor is saying, and that the room is freezing.

My parents and my grandmother came to see "Jewsical" a few weekends ago and really enjoyed it.  According to my dad, when my parents arrived at the theater, they ran into some people who had just seen the matinee we did earlier in the day.  My mom pretended she didn't know anything about the show so that she could get the people to say how much they liked the show and the cast, etc.  and then talk about it later. Then, my grandma, who doesn't hear great, proceeded to blow my mom's cover and tell everyone that my mom's daughter was in the show.  I think in some ways, this was fate's way of getting my mom back for the time that my brother and I ordered room service at a hotel during a family trip, and then hid when the guy came to deliver it.  My mom invited the delivery guy into our room while she got his money, and he walked in so far that he saw my brother and I hiding behind the bed.  Rather than say nothing, my mom said, "Oh, I forgot you guys were hiding."  This wouldn't have been so embarrassing, had we not been about 13 and 15 years old at the time.  

Okay, dinner time. I hope to blog again soon!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jewsical Opens!

Greetings from Novi, Michigan!  Jewsical the Musical opened this past Wednesday at the Second City Detroit Mainstage, and it's been a blast.  We've had really great audiences who have really liked the show. Up until last night's ten o'clock show, those people did not like to laugh.  I like to blame things on the audience, don't you?  It's always their fault.

ANYHOO, We've been here in Novi since Monday, and let me tell you, it is definitely a suburb- there are Targets, Kmarts, and Red Robins as far as the eye can see.  Also, we're near at least two Dairy Queens, which is both fun and dangerous (I like to overdo it on things, but I'm sure you already know that.)  

The cast is great, and my roomie/castmate Sara and I are sharing a beautiful apartment. Even though our place is lovely,  I think the best part about it is that we is that we have cable, I've been watching a lot of  Tori and Dean, My Life on the D-List, and other mind-numbing shows, because I can.  I think I'm going to be a lot smarter when I leave Novi.



Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Last week/It's over!

I am finally home from the Dawn and I can't believe it!  Four months absolutely flew by!  It's great being home, I've gotten to spend time with George, clean my room, etc, but since it's only been like 2 days, I'll fill you in on my last week, that's a little more exciting.  But you might also find that boring, and if you do, just go ahead and look at the pictures.
Last Sunday I met up with a bunch of friends and my bro at Ben's old workplace for brunch, which was really fun, but unfortunately Ben couldn't go because he was told last minute that he had to work all day on the ship.  Lame!  Anyways, I got pretty drunk on huge margaritas and my cast did their best to keep me that way for the rest of the afternoon.  That night we Molly and I had a cocktail party in our room, and I insisted on getting dressed up and wearing heels in our cabin (I actually was sober by that time.) Monday night Ben and I went out to our final all-you-can-eat sushi-dinner-for-15-dollars, it was pretty great.  Tuesday we had a drag party, we were supposed to have a drag show, but apparently some of the higher ups "didn't want to encourage that type of behavior." Yikes.  Anyways, in protest a few of us still dressed in drag and went to the crew bar, I've attached photos- I'm the latino guy.  It was a blast.  Wednesday I spa-ed it up, and that night a bunch of us went into Hamilton to go clubbing again, which was fun despite the fact that I really do hate clubs. Thursday, Ben, Bodie, Matt and I went snorkling at Church Bay.  It was amazing!  We saw tons of parrot fish (they're these really big rainbow-colored fish with sassy iridescent lips and big teeth), and big blue fish and even a jellyfish- that part was actually more scary than cool.  Anyways, it was really awesome. Thursday night we had our last scripted show, which was both really fun and really sad.  Then Friday night our cast took the trainers out to a steak dinner aboard the ship to thank them for giving us free classes and stuff.  Saturday morning Ben took me out to Jazz Brunch for our final mother (me) daughter (Ben) meal and Saturday night, after our adult show, there was a party for the crew who were leaving the ship.
It was a really fun week and I was sad to see it end.  I miss alot of my friends from the ship (Ben!) but I'm also really happy to be able to see my friends at home.  
Anyhoo, in three weeks I will be off to Novi, Michigan to perform in "Jewsical the Musical" and will hopefully continue the blog once that gets going.  In the meantime, I'll leave you with this: If there's anything I've learned from this ship experience, it's that I'm a huge fag hag and that black guys like to hit on me.  Maybe I learned a few other things but I can't think of them right now.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Only one week left!

We only have one week left on the ship and I can't believe it!  It's been an amazing 17 weeks.
Last week was really fun, I explored Hamilton more than I ever have before- it's kind of the downtown of Bermuda.  One day I went to the Zoo and Aquarium, which was great.  Unfortunately my camera ran out of batteries before I could take a bunch of photos there, but you literally walk next to a lot of the animals, and I'll admit I was really scared a peacock was going to attack me.  One night we went into Hamilton as well, and went to a club. I was reminded of how much I hate clubs as soon as we got there, but we ended up having a pretty good time. I did learn that I can't carry a drink without spilling it all over my pants, I need to work on my balance.
The next day I went to Warick Long Bay Beach with my friends Ben, Matt, and Bodie, and that was really fun.  It's such a beautiful beach, and it was really nice out, so I got to take advantage of my SPF 30 sweatsuit.  
Then last Friday the cast went out to dinner and proceeded to get temporary tattoos that they sell on the ship.  I got a big Elvis head on my forearm.  That's just kind of my style.
Okay, one week left.  Crazy!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ben's Sassy Broadway friends visit!

This past week was a blast.  I was sad to see my family go, but my good friend Ben's friends unexpectedly came on the ship for a vacation, and it was so great hanging out with them!  Ben's friend Josh is currently in "Grease" on Broadway!  He's in the ensemble, but he's also and understudy for Danny Zucko and for the Teen Angel, and he's also so sassy and great!  Josh's best friend Anne is also super sassy, and does all kinds of theatrical stuff in New York and other places as well.  She just finished a run of The Fully Monty, and can sing just like Patsy Cline, it's pretty amazing.  
Anyhoo, one day the four of us rented scooters and rode all around Bermuda!  It was a blast, Ann and I rode on the back of Ben and Josh's scooters which was great because we were both too scared to drive them ourselves.  I was actually pretty terrified for the first 20 minutes or so on the scooter, but then I got used to it and it was a blast.  We visited Church Bay and Long Bay, which were two of the most beautiful beaches I've probably ever seen- most of the pictures I'm posting are from that. We finally got to see pink sand!
And as if this week wasn't already fun enough, today I got to see my friend Gabi in New York! Gabi was in Bloomers with me in college, and is just a very sassy friend, we had a fantastic time! I posted a picture of us.
Only two weeks left on the ship.  CRAZY!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Best Family Vacation EVER!

So this past week my parents and brother came on the ship and visited.  We had an amazing time! 

The week started off pretty great, last Sunday I got to meet up with my friend Nate in New York, he just moved there and is a part of the awesome comedy duo Team Submarine (their website is , do yourself a favor and check it out.) 
Then later that day my family came on.  I was able to get my parents a really nice room, with a balcony and everything, and the four of us hung out in their room alot during the week, just reading, chatting, napping, and sometimes ordering room service, which I never get sick of.  I feel so lucky that my family can spend so much time in one room together relaxing and enjoying each other's company, especially since most of us  have a tendency to crack some pretty bad jokes.  Anyhoos, my brother actually stayed in my room every night except this one night when we had been out drinking and then went to the 24-hour diner on the ship. I proceeded to eat, feel sick, go to my room and pass out.  I guess Jonah tried to get into the room by knocking and then calling me several times, but he ended up spending the night with the 'rents (as TEEN magazine called them when I used to be a subscriber.)
We went out to lots of family dinners and then at night Jonah and I would hang out with all of the fabulous people I've met on the ship, dancers, Second City peeps, youth counselors, etc.  Jonah got along great with everyone, I think he's maybe the best socializer I've ever met. You can drop him off in a room of strangers, and he'll leave a couple hours later with tons of new friends.
Anyhoosies, my family loved the shows, both ours and the Jean Ann Ryan dance shows, and were very impressed with the cruise all around.  We made fun of the Norwegian "Freestyle Cruising" stuff alot, (like they really try to emphasize how "freestyle" everything is- for example, they say the Monday night "is formal night, so you can dress up... or not!", but just imagine them talking about every single aspect of the ship like that).

Today we got brunch with my cousin Jed, who is so awesome. So it was a great week!  And now we only have 3 weeks left, which is totally insane!