Look who decided to post again?
I have been really bad about updating this blog. I'm going to try to be better. In the meantime, the last few weeks have been really fun. The show has been going great, and I finally got to try the Blue Ribbon Burger (Boca, of course) at Red Robin. That's because George was in town and we went there. It was great having him here for a couple of days, he got to see my new suburban lifestyle and my ability to navigate the mean streets of Novi. Usually he has to drive me around in Chicago, but I think he found it refreshing and maybe a little scary to have me drive him around.
I also joined the JCC (Jewish Community Center) in the area, and have been taking aerobics and yoga classes there. I figured out that the classes for people my age are held early in the morning, and that if you go to the classes that start later in the day, you will generally be with much (much) older ladies. So now I am trying to wake up earlier, although I have no regrets about getting to see women in their mid-to-late seventies doing latin dance moves while complaining that they can't hear anything the instructor is saying, and that the room is freezing.
My parents and my grandmother came to see "Jewsical" a few weekends ago and really enjoyed it. According to my dad, when my parents arrived at the theater, they ran into some people who had just seen the matinee we did earlier in the day. My mom pretended she didn't know anything about the show so that she could get the people to say how much they liked the show and the cast, etc. and then talk about it later. Then, my grandma, who doesn't hear great, proceeded to blow my mom's cover and tell everyone that my mom's daughter was in the show. I think in some ways, this was fate's way of getting my mom back for the time that my brother and I ordered room service at a hotel during a family trip, and then hid when the guy came to deliver it. My mom invited the delivery guy into our room while she got his money, and he walked in so far that he saw my brother and I hiding behind the bed. Rather than say nothing, my mom said, "Oh, I forgot you guys were hiding." This wouldn't have been so embarrassing, had we not been about 13 and 15 years old at the time.
Okay, dinner time. I hope to blog again soon!
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